Greenwell Electronics

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Greenwell Creation Company




  • usb type-c 커넥터
  • 핀수: 24pin/16pin/6pin등 
  • DIP/SMT/SMT+DIP type C
  • top mount/mid mount/vertical/ up R/A

USB TYPE C 24P Female (molex 대치품 1054500101)

USB 3.1 TYPE C 24pin Female Vertical

USB 3.1 TYPE C mid mount 0.8 female 6pin

USB 3.1 TYPE C mid mount 2.1 female 16pin

USB 3.1 TYPE C female 24pin

USB 3.1 TYPE C mid mount 0.8 female 24pin

USB Type C 180° SMT with peg H=10.5mm

USB Type C female 24P CH=1.4 high-rise

USB type C female Mid mount-CH0.4 SMT+DIP with peg 24pin

USB Type C SMT+DIP L=8.65 Female-24P

USB Type C- vertical SMT 6.6H Female 24pin

USB3.1 type C SMT+DIP female 24pin

USB3.1 TYPE C female 14pin vertical dip

USB TYPE C connector female vertical 24pin

USB-TYPE C mid mount female 16pin

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Type C Male Waterproof Type C 방수 Type C
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  • USB 커넥터 Female/Male
  • USB 3.1/USB3.0/USB2.0/USB4.0
  • 핀수: 24pin/16pin/6pin등 
  • DIP/SMT/SMT+DIP usb connector
  • top mount/mid mount/reverse type/short body/vertical

USB3.1 Female Mid-mount 2.45 flat type민자형

USB3.1 Female Mid-mount 2.05 flat type민자형

USB3.0 mid mount 3.3H flat type민자형

USB3.0 Female Vertical 14.0H Dip

USB3.0 vertical short body 11.6 SMT flat type민자형

USB3.0 female mid-mount reverse type flat type민자형

USB3.0 female mid-mount reverse type 2.56 flat type민자형

USB female mid-mount reverse type 90° 2.2H flat type민자형

USB 3.0 Female mid-mount DIP H=1.8 flat type민자형

USB 3.0 Female mid-mount reverse type 1.36 2 feet dip flat type민자형

USB 3.0 female mid-mount reverse type 1.36 2 feet dip flat type민자형

USB 3.0 Female mid-mount reverse type 1.36 4 feet dip

USB 3.0 female dual port mid mount 3.7 DIP CH 0.85 flat type민자형

USB 3.0 A female SMT 180° flat type민자형

USB 3.0 female short body 12.50 mid mount reverse type 1.36 4 feet-dip

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USB A Male Micro USB F/M 방수 USB
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